Accelerating IT Delivery With Integrated IT Portfolio Management

from IT leaders living in the digital age. Old wine in new bottles? Maybe, but in the context of today’s business world, the “new bottles” are a whole new mode of delivery for IT solutions. Business still expects IT to deliver on key initiatives to support core business strategies— initiatives such as integration of company acquisitions, globalization of operations, transformation of business models and compliance with regulations. On top of that, digitization has added a new dimension and stepped up the pace of change. Business still demands high-quality, low-cost IT services at a minimum level of risk. Meanwhile, digitization challenges IT with new technologies to understand, new business channels to figure into the architecture, and new security threats to ward off. The failure of IT to meet business expectations doesn’t have one single cause but rather several that need to be addressed—that is, if IT is going to help business win in the digital age.