The Innovation Of IRobot: How Robots Are Revolutionizing The Way We Live
When most people think of iRobot, the first product that comes to mind is likely the Roomba. This robotic vacuum cleaner was first introduced in 2002 and quickly became a sensation. The Roomba was the first truly practical household robot, and it paved the way for a whole new era of robotics.
Since the introduction of the Roomba, iRobot has continued to innovate and expand its product line. Today, the company’s products include:
- Roomba: The original robotic vacuum cleaner, now available in a range of models to suit different cleaning needs and budgets.
- Braava: A line of robotic mops that can clean hard floors with ease.
- Mirra: A robotic pool cleaner that makes pool maintenance a breeze.
- Create: A platform for hobbyists and developers to create their own custom robots using iRobot technology.
- Ava: A telepresence robot that allows remote workers to participate in meetings and events as if they were physically present.
- Terra: A line of unmanned ground vehicles that are designed for use in commercial settings, such as agriculture and construction.