What’s Holding B2B Companies Back From Conducting Revenue-Driven Marketing

What’s Holding B2B Companies Back From Conducting Revenue-Driven Marketing

Brand awareness was the metric used by businesses not too long ago to determine the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. By providing a foundation of knowledge, marketers played the role of brand ambassador, saving the sales team the time and effort of having to bring prospects up to speed.

Today's marketers have distinct roles, especially in the business-to-business sector. Leading B2B marketing executives were questioned for a new study report that provides data to highlight this shift: Fewer than 7% of marketers say that building brand awareness is their top concern. Rather, 67 percent of B2B marketers rank generating revenue—through pipeline fulfillment, reservations, and client renewals—as their top goal. The return on investment (ROI) of top achievers is at least seven times higher. However, if revenue-driven marketing is so essential to business success, why do not more businesses use it?