Why It Is Important For B2B Brands To Coordinate Genuine Customer Engagement

Why It Is Important For B2B Brands To Coordinate Genuine Customer Engagement

In B2B, driving demand is no longer sufficient. Examine the whole client lifetime in order to get growth.

Although his research was correct, the condition of their consumer data was the largest barrier to concentrating on the clientele. It was awful, to put it politely and by their own admission. Still, he made a valid argument. While it is important to concentrate on acquiring new customers, they would have missed a bigger chance if they had directed their marketing efforts toward their existing clientele.

Engaging clients over the course of their entire customer lifecycle is where I find a lot of marketers struggling. When I talk to CMOs, they frequently only discuss demand generation in relation to acquiring new clients.

They are failing to maximize customer lifetime value (CLV), which can only be achieved by cultivating a relationship with customers throughout the whole customer journey and long after they have made their first transaction. (Note: Actually, the process of engaging clients starts even before they make a purchase.)