‘If they’re winning, we’re winning’: B2B marketers on the relationships that matter

‘If they’re winning, we’re winning’: B2B marketers on the relationships that matter

When it comes to the important relationships within business, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. Is it best to build bonds with the CEO or join forces with the head of sales? What about linking up with the CFO?

Having worked at companies of varying sizes, CMO at subscription management platform Recurly, Lina Tonk, says a brand’s pace of growth will impact the most important relationships for marketers.

“For growth, especially in SaaS, the CEO is very important. When you have a CEO that believes in the marketing function, believes in that commercial side to drive the growth of the company not only externally, but internally, it is probably the most important relationship of all,” says Tonk.

However, she recognises that in smaller companies the relationship with the sales department plays an important role. “But it’s dangerous, right? I don’t believe in marketing being under sales,” she warns.